This morning, I was supposed to wake up really early to fly to Cuenca. I don’t know what happened, but when I first remember having opened my eyes in the morning, it was 7:30am and already two hours late. So I ate breakfast and took a cab to the Quicentro, I worked there all morning for lunch I had called Patricio Jr., we were suppose to meet at 2pm, but as I called him he asked me for an extra hour and an extra and an extra, so I met a girl owning a stand at the Quicentro to get time to pass quicker. But at 5:30pm, I was really starving, so fuck Patricio, I went for lunch on my own at Burger King. After lunch, I went to a videogame centre in the Quicentro and played for an hour before meeting up with Leny.
With Leny, we went and have a couple beers, in a very nice little Italian restaurant and around 8:30pm, we went to her home. I got introduced to her three sisters, her father and her two kids. I played basketball, soccer and baseball with Sebastian and Alvaro-Eduardo until 10pm when I headed to the Tavu, a nightclub where I had decided to invite my friends to celebrate my birthday. I was served free drinks from 10:30pm to 11:30pm so I got quite wasted. By midnight, Carolina and Eduardo came with a bunch of friends and then came Raul with his girlfriend Maria-Rose, I was quite disappointed because nobody else came, but I had a great time. I’ve spent most of the night trying to keep my balance and dancing with Carolina and her friends. The music was great and the party was going on, it’s going to be a memorable birthday in a third world country. By three O’clock, when I had exhausted my energy dancing by the rhythm of the music, I took a cab back home. Unfortunately, by midway the cab had broke his wheel protector, and couldn’t go further, so I’ve done something I was highly discouraged to do, I hitchhiked backed home. Lucky as I am, I must of waited a total of 2mn for a car driver. As I got back home, I called Carolina to tell that I was safe and sound heading for my bed.