Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Not much, but exhausting day

Got up and went to the small neighbouring internet café in San Golqui, I worked there for two good hours before Toya picked me up and headed to the city. She dropped me in Quito centre where I continued with work, phoned my family and a couple friends. I then went for a sandwich and back to work. In the late afternoon, I met up with Carolina and two of her friends for a beer, those girls talked to me about there presentation they had to do on some coffee product. We then headed towards the hotel where they had done their presentation to get the results and to pick up all the tools they had used for their presentation.
Carolina then drove me to Diego’s home where I met with Toya and drove back home. I was totally exhausted, I fell asleep as we watched the news on TV. I woke up for a very light dinner and sat back down in front of the TV set to watch again Scent of a Women, I had bought the DVD. What a great movie, I put this movie on in case I fell asleep again, but this movie kept me awake until the very last second.

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