Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Seen better days

Worse wake up call of my life, whatever, no more details. You know how it can feel like waking up after having been wasted. Only I didn’t know it could be that bad!
At 11:00am I left home with Toya to go to the neighbouring police office to register the car matriculation for the year 2005. What a mess, the police had lost the files so it took hours before they could find it back. Then I went with Toya to Burger King, because my stomach didn’t feel like eating anything else, but I wasn’t even able to eat the entire Whopper menu.
After lunch we drove to the Guayasamin museum. Guayasamin is the most popular Ecuadorian painter, a surrealistic. He painted a little like Picasso, only he had a lot of sadness to express through his paintings. He was an Ecuadorian indigene who grew up in a poor family, and expressed through his paintings, the sorrow of his people and of a lot of other people throughout the planet. I personally like his paintings even though I don’t feel a thing for Picasso’s art.
Toya then dropped me off in front of the Iberia agency, so that I could try change my return ticket to go to Bordeaux instead of Paris. Worse service ever in Iberia, I waited for over an hour, and once it was my turn, the person that was taking care of me picked up the phone for another half hour and then told me in about five minutes that my route could not be changed because of the low cost fares I paid for my ticket.
Things were not going the way I wanted today, so I decided to walk to the closest mall to buy a couple music CDs and try to shove up another Burger King menu that once again I was unable to finish. At 7:30pm I met up with Toya to go to a classic music concert organized by Sofia, Fabian’s niece. It was absolutely unbelievable, 6 musicians of this five year old Franz List conservatory have won world wide price recognitions. One of the musicians was a solist piano player no older than ten and played like Mozart, what a joy to listen to relaxing music after the hard day I’ve just spent.
After the concert, I called Alexis, a girl friend of a friend from Geneva, to go out with her in a club called cien-ochenta. It was not a great party, but her and her girlfriends were really hot. So as you can imagine I enjoyed it. We stayed in the club for more less an hour in a half and then her chauffer, her boyfriend and herself drove me back home.

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